Phase 5
Students at Phase 5 will take part in a range of core and vocational qualifications in preparation for adulthood. Below is an example of qualifications which will be accessed by groups of students throughout the year depending on their academic level and interests.
English – Entry Level Certificate (Pearsons)
English – Level 1/2 Award (NOCN)
Maths – Entry Level Certificate (AQA)
Maths- Level 1/2 Award (NOCN)
Personal wellbeing – Level 1 Award or Certificate (NOCN)
SETPD (Skills for Employment, Training and Personal Development) – Level 1 Award or Certificate (NOCN)
Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award
Skills Builder Programme
Vocational pathways
Horticulture (internal)
Catering and Hospitality (internal)
Hair and Beauty (external)
Construction/mechanics (external)