Our assessment system has been developed in house and is quality assured via moderation with several special and mainstream schools. The system is used to track students within all subject areas throughout their entire time at Epinay school. Stages equate to end of year expectations within that year group; for example stage 3 is year 3 expectations. Each stage has 8 sub stages within it as shown below. To maintain outstanding status it is essential that staff continue to set high expectations and challenging targets. Whilst focusing on individual need and a highly differentiated approach pupils are banded against set criteria based on SEND and attainment level.
Expected progress for a typical child at Epinay will be defined as 3 sub levels annually (this may be more or less dependent on banding )- our school target is for 85% of all children to make expected or better than expected progress in a year.
Annual progress
Red = less than expected progress 2 sub levels per year (0.67 sub stages per term)
Blue = expected progress 3 sub levels (1.00 sub stages per term)
Green = more than expected progress 3+(1.33 sub stages per term)