Results & Outcomes

Pupil progress Summary 2024

End of year figures are outlined below for 2024.

  • 90.54% of pupils met or exceeded their maths targets
  • 74.36% of pupils met or exceeded their reading targets
  • 72.65% of pupils met or exceeded their writing targets

Maths has exceeded the school’s expectation of 80%, it demonstrates outstanding progress. We have had a focus on writing with good results, this figure has seen a 34.2% increase from the same measure last year.   It must be noted that literacy is a key whole school development for the 2024-25 academic year.

Pupil progress Summary 2023

End of year figures are outlined below for 2023.

  • 78.95% of pupils met or exceeded their maths targets
  • 92.66% of pupils met or exceeded their reading targets
  • 54.13% of pupils met or exceeded their writing targets

Reading has exceeded the school’s expectation of 80%, we have had focus on reading with outstanding results as can be seen in the figures above.  Writing attainment is not at an acceptable level, it must be noted that writing is a key whole school development for the 2023-24 academic year.

Pupil progress Summary 2022

End of year figures are outlined below for 2022.

  • 85.55% of pupils met or exceeded their maths targets
  • 86.71% of pupils met or exceeded their reading targets
  • 75.72% of pupils met or exceeded their writing targets

Maths and reading have exceeded the school’s expectation of 80%, writing is slightly below and individual students have been targeted for interventions to raise this figure.

Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.

Pupil progress Summary 2021

End of year figures are outlined below for 2021.

  • 76% of pupils met or exceeded their maths targets
  • 70%% of pupils met or exceeded their reading targets
  • 72% of pupils met or exceeded their writing targets

Despite ongoing Covid disruption in the 2020-21 academic year, figures remained above 70%. This is below the school target of 80%. Individual students have been targeted for interventions to raise these figures. It must also be noted that reading is a key whole school development for the 2021-22 academic year.