Epinay School Statement for Parents and Carers
Epinay School recognises the importance of strong partnerships with parents, carers and guardians. We value parental involvement in aspects of school life as it increases pupil achievement and helps to develop positive attitudes about self and school.
We believe that for education to be successful it needs to be collaborative involving parents and carers, staff, students, governors, MDT, the Local Authority and a range of other agencies including health. We are committed to establishing and maintaining an effective and purposeful working relationship between home and school.
We aim to:
- have a strong positive partnership with all parents and carers
- ensure that all communication with parents and carers is effective, clear and accessible,
- actively involve parents educationally, socially and emotionally to help every child reach their full potential
- use parents’ expertise and willingness to enhance their own child’s learning and that of other children and to actively involve them in school life
- establish, and act upon, the views and opinions of parents
To have a strong partnership and good communication with parents/carers we will regularly inform them about what is happening in school by:
- ensuring that all written communication is “user friendly”, useful and informative
- bringing students’ learning to life for parents via Class Dojo and Evidence for Learning
- publishing half termly school newsletters
- maintaining and develop our school website, ensuring that it is updated on a regular basis
- having an open door policy for parents to visit the school and speak to to staff members
- establishing parent views 2 times a year
- Providing regular curriculum workshops
- holding weekly visits for prospective pupils
- Holding weekly parent coffee mornings/drop ins
To actively involve parents/carers in the education, progress and well-being of their child we:
- hold meetings 3 times a year
- hold EHCP review meetings annually
- hold option evenings for year 9
- send written annual reports at the end of each year
- hold termly workshops/ coffee mornings on various topics and for different events
- ensure that all relevant school policies are on the website, effective and easy to read
- request that all parents sign a home/school agreement
- involve parents in supporting their child’s behaviour and emotional well-being
- work closely with carers to maximise attendance and encourage medical appointments to be planned effectively
- hold annual leavers awards ceremonies
- hold weekly celebration assemblies
To enhance student’s experiences within school and involve parents and carers in school life we encourage parents/carers to:
- attend school performances, events and celebrations
- allow their children to be involved in opportunities that fall outside of the school day.
- have informal discussions with staff members where appropriate
- become parent governors and attend weekly drop in sessions with SLT
To provide induction information to parents/carers we will:
- ensure that our prospectus is informative and up to date
- ensure that our website is detailed, informative and up to date
- provide opportunities for all prospective parents to find out about our school through contacting the office
- provide opportunities for parents to discuss all transitional decisions
- ensure information distributed to parents and carers takes into account parental needs and views
To establish the views and opinions of parents/carers of the school we:
- provide opportunities for parental questionnaires and inform parents of the analysed results
- ask parents to evaluate workshops and events in school
- seek parental consultation on key issues across school and within the curriculum
- consult on key policies and procedures
Nexus Bus passes for children (and companions) under the age of 18 years are available, for further information contact Kate Simpson, Assistant Head Teacher.
Join South Tyneside Active Network to access Max Cards – entitles the bearer (and up to a family of four) to free discounted entry to over 50 local and regional cultural and leisure sites, including: Haven Point, Alnwick Castle and Gardens, The Centre for Light and lots more.
Click here to sign up for your free CEA (cinema) Card
South Tyneside’s Local Offer aims to provide information for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and their parents or carers in a single place. It provides information on what services children, young people and their families can expect from a range of local agencies, including education, health and social care.
For information on support groups, out-of-school clubs and holiday provision contact South Tyneside Council.
See below links to other support organisations: