Transport is provided to and from school by the Local Authority.
Arrangements are made by the Transport Team
Tel: 0191 427 2680
Home to school transport vehicles come onto the school site at the beginning and end of the school day. We have strict safeguarding and safety procedures in place to ensure all pupils’ safety. All drivers have an enhanced DBS check, carry ID and receive regular safeguarding and safety training. It is parents/carers’ responsibility to ensure their child behaves as expected while on school transport. Please note, your child’s place on school transport may be at risk if behaviour expectations are not followed.
Epinay School also provide transport for holiday clubs to ensure children are transported safely and have access to holiday provision.
We also encourage pupils to travel independently, with parents permission, and can offer independent travel training, support and provide cycle facilities on request.
Epinay School also have a school metro pass that is used regularly for school outings and promote independence and social inclusion.