Positive Mental Health
Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing for our Students and Parents
Epinay School takes the emotional health and wellbeing of every student seriously, providing
multiple opportunities through our curriculum and wider opportunities to help students build
resilience and support them to be mentally healthy.
This page outlines local agencies that can further support you and your child to maintain positive
mental health.
It is important to remember we all have ups and downs in life but both in childhood and for
students with additional needs, it can sometimes be particularly hard to cope with feelings and
worries that arise when things are difficult or challenging There may be times when your child
is unhappy or struggling emotionally. You may notice that they seem low or worried or that their
behaviour changes. Our school staff may also notice that they seem withdrawn or upset at
If you are worried about your child’s mental health, then you are not alone. Many parents and
carers have similar worries and stresses. There is good support available not only from school
but from local and national organisations. As a school, we would encourage you to speak to the
safeguarding team, who would be more than happy to refer to outside agencies where
appropriate to enable you to access appropriate support for your child and your family.
Local Services for Children and Young People
The School
Please talk to us about your concerns, so that we can work together to help your child or young
person feel better. L. Murphy or R. Jopling are always happy to talk to parents and complete
referrals as well as our Parent Support Advisor, Julie Hayes, who is always willing to talk to
parents and carers.
Your GP
A GP can check any physical symptoms linked to your child’s health and talk with you about
their emotional well-being making a referral to a specialist service if necessary.
The School Nurse
School can contact South Tyneside School Nursing Services for advice and support on a range
of health issues.
Children & Young People
South Tyneside Lifecycle Primary Care Mental Health Service aims to help people experiencing
mild to moderately severe mental health problems. In our Community Child and Adolescent
Mental Health Team (CAMHS) we offer support and advice to help young people learn skills to
manage the way they feel.
Who we support
We support children and young people within the following age ranges:
- Early Years (0-5 years)
- Children (6-13 years)
- Young People (14-17 years)
- Young Adults (18-25 years)
What we support with
We offer evidence-based treatments for a variety of common mental health issues, these may
- Low Mood and Depression
- Worry and Anxiety
- Controlling Anger
- Bereavement/Loss
- Bullying
- Eating Difficulties
- Self-Harming Behaviours
- Relationship & Family Difficulties
We aim to help children and young people at the earliest possible stage, in order to support
children, young people and families to develop skills and promote positive wellbeing and
reduce the risk of further distress.
Working in partnership
We have excellent links with schools, GP’s, Health Visitors, School Nurses, Paediatricians, and
other Specialist Services. We also form part of a larger group of professionals who specialise in
Child and Adolescent Mental Health provision.
Want to make a referral?
If you are a parent or carer for a child, or a young person (aged 16 and over), you can make a
self-referral to this service.
Call us on 0191 283 2937
Young People & Adults
Are you feeling down or worried? Do you feel like you have nowhere to turn? – These are
common feelings but there is help available.
What we do
Our team works with people to enable them to overcome their problems when they feel anxious,
depressed or stressed.
South Tyneside Lifecycle Primary Care Mental Health Service offer a free and confidential NHS
service for people aged 16 and over who are registered with a GP in South Tyneside. We
provide a range of psychological therapies to help you feel better if you’re feeling anxious,
depressed, stressed or worried.
What we offer
We have been operating for over 10 years within the NHS and have built up a qualified and
experienced workforce that provide:
- Information & Support
- Classes & Courses
- Group Therapy
- One-to-one Therapy
Our therapies are evidence based as recommended by the National Institute for Clinical
Excellence (NICE).
Where we deliver
Talking Therapies are delivered from three South Tyneside based medical centres, these are:
- Cleadon Park Primary Care Centre
- Monkton Hall (Jarrow)
- Flagg Court (South Shields)
The Healthy Minds Team provide a free and confidential NHS service for children and young
people who attend a school or college in South Tyneside and/or are registered with a local GP to
improve mental health outcomes for children and young people.
We offer evidence-based treatments, including individual, group, and family work, for a variety
of common mental health issues, these may include:
- Low Mood and Depression
- Worry and Anxiety
- Controlling Anger & Emotions
- Bereavement/Loss
- Bullying
- Self-Harming Behaviours
- Relationship & Family Difficulties
- Building Self Esteem
- Developing Resilience
We aim to help children and young people at the earliest possible stage, in order to support
children, young people and families to develop skills and promote positive wellbeing and reduce
the risk of further distress.
Find out more about who we are and what we do in our video below:
The following organisations provide reliable information and advice to help parent/carers to
support their child when experiencing emotional difficulties :-
Young Minds: – Help for Parents
Information about all aspects of child mental health, including a Parent Helpline 0800 802 5544
Taking Mental Health with Young People at Secondary School:
Advice for parents and carers of primary aged young people
Self-Care – Top Tips for Young Parents and Carers
Advice for taking care of your own and child’s wellbeing
Lots of information and tips for children of all ages about feelings and difficult situations
Minded for Families
Free learning resource about mental health for parents and carers
Happy Maps
Lots of information about health topics including mental health, organised under different age
groups i.e under 5’s primary age, secondary age, young adults
In order to support your child, you need to stay strong and well yourself. It isn’t easy being a
parent or carer especially when you are experiencing problems of your own such as relationship
difficulties, money worries, problems with work. Often it helps to talk to someone, so don’t be
scared about doing this, with friends, family, your GP or a support service. The following
organisations can also offer information and advice to help you.
Talking Therapies
Therapists (CBT) and Counsellors in North Tyneside (bluetalkingtherapies.co.uk)
Contact Us | Samaritans
Mental health – NHS (www.nhs.uk)